Welcome To Celestial Ventures
Investing in Space by Investing in Youtm
Who Are We
Celestial Ventures

Celestial Ventures Mission Statement
We stand at the dawn of a new era. An era that is going to redefine humanity. Our species, born and evolved out of planet earth, is about to venture into the great unknown.
Interplanetary Comms

Interplanetary communications will play a critical role in the development of Space 2.0
In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)
In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) describes the use of resources in their natural environment. ISRU is particularly applicable to near-term celestial ventures, due to the high transportation costs.
Instead of transporting products from earth, resources can be processed in-situ to create similar products at a fraction of the cost. In the last 5-10 years, NASA has ramped up funding for ISRU applications. With the support of the public and private sectors, ISRU has the potential to reduce launch dependency and accelerate development in space.
Martian Economy
Orbital Debris
With orbital debris we have finally mastered the art of pollution.
Humanity may never go beyond Mars. Our spacefaring ventures may come to an end around the confines of the Martian orbit.

Food production is being redefined in countless ways, from artificial proteins to revolutionary methods of vertical farming. Not only is the need for soil being evaporated but the entire need for animals is being eradicated from the equation.

Planetary Observations
On December 7, 1972, from a distance of around 29,000 kilometers above the earth, the crew of Apollo 17 captured one of the most famous images in history – The Blue Marble. The Blue Marble (shown above) is the first photograph.

Advanced Propulsion
Can we develop a base on the Martian surface? Can we make space travel affordable for the everyday person? Could we launch without polluting the atmosphere? Most people in the space industry would agree that developing

Lane & Sector Management
Amid ongoing concerns around the testing of space weapons by foreign countries and the security of national satellites, the US set a precedent by designating a specific branch of the military to protect the public interest in space.

Subterranean Life Support Systems
In the field of space resources, the term Subterranean Life Support Systems refers to the wide range of systems that could be used to support human life underground.

In-Situ Resource Utilization is an industry that is about to be born. Contained within it will be countless subindustries. At its core will be to view anew how we have utilized earth resources on planet earth.

Interplanetary Comms
Communication is essential to all human endeavors. As we build out humanities presence on the Moon, Mars, and all points in between, we will need infrastructure that can accommodate the web of communication…

Launch is the quintessential component of space and the primary driver of the direction of space economy development. While there is outsized attention being given to launch, in the near future it is justified. In the relative future, attention will dissipate away from launch to other components of the developing space economy.

Cadence Dynamics
With our vast goals in space, managing the frequency and logistics of launches will be key to sustainable growth of the space ecosphere. It is equivalent to moving a city with all its inhabitants and belongings from its current location to its new location, in space.

We live in a world that is now built by software. Innovation has three components from which it traverses, wetware to software to hardware. Wetware is our brain where conceptualization begins. This is where creativity combines with function, to form concepts and ideas which are then materialized into existence.

CIS Trifecta
In conversations regarding Space we hear cool sounding terms like Cis Earth and Cis Lunar. And occasionally we also may hear CIS Mars. Anything that is orbiting near a terrestrial body is classified as CIS. The sectors contained within these spheres, may not all be ripe for settlements via space stations.

Biological Substrate Management
The human condition is quite a frail one. We possess the capacity of very small deviations in environmental conditions. Any variations in the temperature, balance of chemicals in the air, or exposure to radiation from any source, leaves us in peril for survival.

Hydrothermal Utilizations
Water is the essence of life, a fact that is evidently clear. However, knowing that water is abundant in the cosmos is a new understanding that we are slowly absorbing. Water’s state changes happen in a far tighter range than most other elements, and hence we find water in liquid, gas, and solid forms throughout the nooks and crannies of our solar system.