Subterranean Life Support Systems
When it comes to terrestrial living, the elements play an outsized role, subjecting the surface inhabitants with undue harsh conditions. One of the primary reasons to live on the surface is for food sustenance, since most crops require sunlight to thrive.

This impacts our ability to entertain alternative living environments. We have become accustomed to and dependent on surface living. While it has countless benefits, it brings its own set of challenges.

On Earth, those challenges were manageable, as we also have a protective shell called the atmosphere. Extra planetary living affords no such atmosphere nor its resulting protections. Hence, for the foreseeable future, subterranean living will be the order of the day.

It is ironic that we will have achieved transporting ourselves across the heavens to live on another planet, only to be labeled cavemen, yet again. It seems fate has a sense of humor.
But in our triumph and ensuing return to the cave life, we will afford ourselves the time necessary to acclimate to our new planet(s) without incurring a majority of the surface risks. From climate, to radiation, to life support, and impact risks, we will be able to reduce those externalities in order to enhance our understandings of our new environment long enough to start venturing out. This time the cave dwellers will venture out, not with furs on, but with space suits.